Choice of the material
The choice is directly linked to the sculptor. Indeed, he chooses the wood to be used in relation with the work and the work’s perpetuity. Then, the selects wood water content, the fiber cross, diameter of the trunk.
The sculptor's choice
The sculptors know each other. They meet and choose the one who is the most approprate to realize the work.
Why of duration and the spreading of the work of the wood ?
Wood is worked :
- Is cared from the block,
- In a country where hygrometry always exceeds 95 %, cut wood dries slowly and first of all, on its surface. It is on this thin surface, at more or less 5 to 10 minutes, the sculptor works in order the wood becomes as hard as possible to bear shocks from manufacture as well as dry climates where it will be exposed
- Sea shipment will take one month for the 3 continents where Asiart ships the goods.
Conclusion : If you want a unique wor, it will take five months.